About Us

We are lawyers who care

We use our knowledge and skill as lawyers to explain in simple terms the principles and mechanics of the Nigerian law and legal system

How we started

It began with one lawyer who saw a gap between the law and the people it was made to protect.

The need to quell the ignorance and misunderstandings surrounding the law and human rights it was created to defend was the fire, and the desire to give back to society was the fuel. Thus, Streetlawyernaija was born as an instrument of empowerment of the masses through provision of knowledge and understanding of Nigeria law.

How it’s going

Our pace is steady but you should see our strides

With over 100 articles published so far, we’ve grown our readership from a humble total of 200+ views when we started in 2018 to 180,000+ currently and counting.

Our Team

It takes a village

We aren’t all lawyers, you know. The Streetlawyernaija family is made up of lawyers, editors, graphic designers and social media managers who give their best with each post to deliver the best content to our readers.

Why we are here

No man left behind”, that’s our mantra

The vision is simple; for every citizen to be aware of their rights and standing under the Nigerian law.

We aim to do this by reducing the knowledge of the Nigerian jurisprudence to simple terms such that it becomes accessible and beneficial to all.

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