Breaking Down the Samoa Agreement

There has been a lot of questions and fear surrounding the recently publicized Samoa Agreement (the Agreement) which has made it important for people to understand what the Agreement is as well as its objectives. In this article, we will attempt to demystify the Samoa Agreement by exploring its background, objectives, parties and implication. To…

Matters Arising: Supreme Court Rules in Favour of Granting Local Governments Financial Autonomy

On the 11th of July, 2024, the Supreme court in a landmark judgment in suit number: SC/CV/343/2024 gave an order that Local Government allocations be paid directly to them from the Federation Account.    Governors of the states of the Federation were used to dissolving democratically elected Local Government Councils and reinstating caretaker committees in…

Trademarks and Other Intellectual Property Rights

Have you ever thought about what makes your favorite brands unique and recognizable? Behind every logo and product name lies a world of legal protection known as intellectual property rights.  Trademarks At its core, a trademark is more than just a logo or a name; it’s a distinctive sign that signifies the origin and quality…

Debunking the Legal Myth: Custody of a Child is Always Awarded to the Mother

Welcome to the very first edition of the Legal MythBusters section at STREETLAWYER9JA!  Here, we attempt to discredit several misconceptions you may have about certain laws and how they operate in Nigerian society. As usual, simple words, sentences and scenarios (where applicable) are used to perfectly explain chosen topics. Read through the topic for today…

Evangelist Knocks PHCN’s “Lights” Out in Court

The case we are about to gist you actually happened. We are only paraphrasing it for easy understanding and consumption by our readers. To read the judgment proper, this is the suit no – CA/C/02/2009 EVANGELIST ALFRED AMBE BASSEY V. PHCN & MR. FRIDAY UDOH (SERVICE ENGINEER) PHCN STATION, ORON Introduction It is believed by…

Income Tax for Taxpayers with Multiple Streams of Income

Nothing is certain except death and taxes. Benjamin Franklin, 1789 Introduction Payment of income taxes is inevitable and evasion of it is a criminal offence as provided in section 40 of the Federal Inland Revenue Service Act, 2007. The payment of income tax by a legal entity is a civic obligation as stipulated under Section…