Legal Position on Abortion in Nigeria

Abortion is a very sensitive issue. Why not? It involves life and death of babies and sometimes, mothers. In Nigeria, it is an even more sensitive topic because of our religious inclinations. In some more developed countries, a woman has the right to do as she wills with her body thus aborting her baby if she wants depending…

Purchase of Property as a Married Couple

It is not uncommon for a married couple to want to purchase property jointly as husband and wife. In fact, some consider it ideal. Even though they may have properties to their individual names, they may want to acquire some as a couple, maybe their matrimonial home, maybe for financial security in the event that…

Can A Child Own Property in Nigeria?

I heard once, on television, of a child of a celebrity in America who was less than 10 years old and had an estate worth millions in her name. Of course, she wasn’t the youngest business mogul in the world, her parents probably acquired the properties for her but they were in her name, they…

Is it a Crime to Fight in Public in Nigeria?

Now, I know I’m not the only one who gets excited when I’m outside and a fight breaks out between two people or a group of people. It’s like “Oh my goodness, what’s happening?” or “who’s fighting, what did he do?” or “is it because of man?” Fights break out almost all the time at…

4 Benefits of Registering Your Business As A Company

Entrepreneurship has become prevalent in today’s society. Given the lack of employment opportunities and poor remuneration of a large part of the employed population among other things there has been a deplorable rate of unemployment and employee financial satisfaction. Nigerians, ever so resourceful as we are, have refused to sit idly and wait for what…

Land Acquisition in Nigeria

Acquisition of property in Nigeria is a very broad subject, this text will limit it as much as possible to the basic but important things which the general public should be aware of. Right to Acquire Property Every citizen of Nigeria has a right to acquire and own immovable property in Nigeria by virtue of…