Is it a Crime to Fight in Public in Nigeria?

Now, I know I’m not the only one who gets excited when I’m outside and a fight breaks out between two people or a group of people. It’s like “Oh my goodness, what’s happening?” or “who’s fighting, what did he do?” or “is it because of man?” Fights break out almost all the time at…

Land and Land Ownership in Nigeria

Land. Ala. Ile. Kasa. It has become commonplace in our society. We walk it, we love it, we live on it (some in it), we buy it, we sell it, we farm it, we own it. It has become so valuable that some kill for it. It begs the question, what is Land? Why is…

The Law and Indecent Acts in Nigeria

Since we were children, our society has made it obvious that indecent acts will not be condoned. A society is largely responsible for what is termed or considered to be “indecent”, however, there is a general agreement that certain acts are globally considered to be indecent. Acts that fall under this category usually involve children…

Tenancy; The Practice In Various Jurisdictions Across Nigeria

Accommodation is of fundamental importance to humans, thus; drastic increase in population over the past few decades have occasioned a more formal and generally acceptable set of principles governing tenancy, tenant-landlord relations as well as ejection of a tenant from a property. In the struggle to keep pace with the growth in population, it is…

Rent and Other Associated Fees

When you want to rent a house, you become a prospective Tenant. Now who is a tenant??? Who is A Tenant? A tenant is a person that occupies land or property rented from a landlord and is subject to payment of rent. Getting a place to rent can be quite a challenge no matter where…

What Benefits Are An Employer Legally Bound to Provide?

‘Emeka! Come. There’s this big client in Oshodi that we need to discuss some issues with concerning that contract.’ ‘Ah! Sir, Oshodi? By this time? There’ll be traffic.’ ‘Just go!’ ‘What of T fare Sir? Sir!’  The above is an example of a typical situation some people face in their place of employment. The fear…