4 Benefits of Registering Your Business As A Company

Entrepreneurship has become prevalent in today’s society. Given the lack of employment opportunities and poor remuneration of a large part of the employed population among other things there has been a deplorable rate of unemployment and employee financial satisfaction. Nigerians, ever so resourceful as we are, have refused to sit idly and wait for what…

How Do You Claim Properties Of A Deceased Person?

It may interest you to know that a huge number of wealthy men/women do not do the proper thing to safeguard the interest of their surviving ones in the event that they are nowhere to be found. Many of them inadvertently end up enriching their various banks. So many families languishing in penury could not…

Adoption of a Child in Nigeria

Before, natural birth was seen to be the only true way to raise a child but today, there are numerous ways a couple or individual can raise a child and one of them is Adoption of a child. Laws Governing Adoption in Nigeria The 1999 Constitution The Child’s Right Act The Eastern Nigeria Adoption Law,…