Section 288, 289 and 290 of the 1999 Constitution: Conditions when Appointing Justices and Judges and Declaration of Assets and Liabilities of Judicial Officers

The 1999 Constitution Section 288 (1) In exercising his powers under the foregoing provisions of this Chapter in respect of appointments to theoffices of Justices of the Supreme court and Justices of the Court of Appeal, the President shall have regard to the need to ensure that there are among the holders of such offices…

Is a Police Permit Needed Before Embarking on Any Protest in Nigeria?

Introduction Many, especially officers of the Nigerian Police Force, have argued that no protest is lawful under the law unless and except permission is obtained from the Nigerian Police, or the Governor of a State. This line of argument is mostly supported by the citation of Section 1, 2 and 3 of the Public Order…

Section 84 and 85 of the 1999 Constitution: Salaries and Pension to be Paid from the Consolidated Revenue Fund and Creation of the Office of the Auditor General of the Federation

The 1999 Constitution Section 84 (1) There shall be paid to the holders of the offices mentioned in this section such remuneration, salaries and allowances as may be prescribed by the National Assembly, but not exceeding the amount as shall have been determined by the Revenue Mobilization Allocation and Fiscal Commission. (The National Assembly may…

Taxes: What to Pay, By Whom to Pay and Punishments for Evasion

People who complain about taxes can be divided into two classes: men and women.  Anonymous We can all agree that paying tax is something that people have complained about for centuries. The famous line, ‘Is it lawful to pay taxes to Ceaser?’ easily comes to mind.  This begs the question, what are taxes and why should…

Section 6 of the 1999 Constitution: The Judiciary

The 1999 Constitution Section 6 (1) The judicial powers of the Federation shall be vested in the courts to which this section relates, being courts established for the Federation. (The judicial powers of Nigeria (relating to the courts) shall be in the Courts that serve Nigeria e.g. the Federal High Courts, the National Industrial Courts,…

What Benefits Are An Employer Legally Bound to Provide?

‘Emeka! Come. There’s this big client in Oshodi that we need to discuss some issues with concerning that contract.’ ‘Ah! Sir, Oshodi? By this time? There’ll be traffic.’ ‘Just go!’ ‘What of T fare Sir? Sir!’  The above is an example of a typical situation some people face in their place of employment. The fear…

Matters Arising: Fuel Price Hike and Scarcity

Due to the current rise in foreign exchange and the devaluation of Naira, fuel supplying companies are finding it difficult to import fuel and are currently relying on the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation Limited (NNPC Ltd) to supply fuel before distribution to their various stations. This has inevitably led to the disruption in the steady…