Extent of Liability of Medical Professionals upon Refusal to Treat Victims of Gunshot Injuries without Police Report

Over the years, there has been an uncountable record of deaths of victims of gunshots as a result of the failure to produce police report as requested by hospitals and medical practitioners. It may interest you to know that no law has ever been made prohibiting medical practitioners from treating victims of gunshots without a…

Cybercrimes and the Laws that Govern them in Nigeria

With the coming of the age of technology and the plethora of opportunities it presented, it was inevitable that all sorts of people would be looking to take advantage of it effectiveness. As every year passes by, reports of illegal acts being perpetrated on the internet increases and unfortunately not many get the satisfaction of…

Is it a Crime to Fight in Public in Nigeria?

Now, I know I’m not the only one who gets excited when I’m outside and a fight breaks out between two people or a group of people. It’s like “Oh my goodness, what’s happening?” or “who’s fighting, what did he do?” or “is it because of man?” Fights break out almost all the time at…