Taxes: What to Pay, By Whom to Pay and Punishments for Evasion

People who complain about taxes can be divided into two classes: men and women.  Anonymous We can all agree that paying tax is something that people have complained about for centuries. The famous line, ‘Is it lawful to pay taxes to Ceaser?’ easily comes to mind.  This begs the question, what are taxes and why should…

Meet the street lawyers

Our Team We are a select group of Nigerian lawyers who share a common goal – to educate and enlighten the average Nigerian about their rights by explaining the law using simple and easy to understand terms. Onyinyechi “Kiva” Ezeoke Desmond Otikpa Chinenye “Nenye” Mbachu Nenye is a Corporate lawyer and a poet.  She has…

Section 6 of the 1999 Constitution: The Judiciary

The 1999 Constitution Section 6 (1) The judicial powers of the Federation shall be vested in the courts to which this section relates, being courts established for the Federation. (The judicial powers of Nigeria (relating to the courts) shall be in the Courts that serve Nigeria e.g. the Federal High Courts, the National Industrial Courts,…

Post-Incorporation Matters (for SME’s): Key Things to Note After Your Small Business Has Been Registered

For any Venture, Organisation, Association, or similar endeavour to enjoy legal status, it must first be incorporated. Definition of Incorporation ‘Incorporation’ refers to the registration of a business venture, Charity Organisation, Association, etc. with the statutory body legally empowered to oversee such registration – which, pursuant to the provisions of the Companies and Allied Matters…

Tenancy; The Practice In Various Jurisdictions Across Nigeria

Accommodation is of fundamental importance to humans, thus; drastic increase in population over the past few decades have occasioned a more formal and generally acceptable set of principles governing tenancy, tenant-landlord relations as well as ejection of a tenant from a property. In the struggle to keep pace with the growth in population, it is…