Section 112, 113, 114 and 115 of the 1999 Constitution: Boundaries of State Constituencies


The 1999 Constitution

Section 112

Subject to the provisions of sections 91 and 113 of this Constitution, the Independent National Electoral Commission shall divide every state in the federation into such number of state constituencies as is equal to three or four times the number of Federal constituencies within that state.

(The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) is responsible for dividing each state in Nigeria into state constituencies and these constituencies shall be equal to three or four times the federal constituencies of each state. However, this is dependent on whatever section 91 and 113 of the 1999 Constitution says concerning state constituencies.)

Section 113

The boundaries of each State constituency shall be such that the number of inhabitants thereof is as nearly equal to the population quota as is reasonably practicable.

(Each state constituency is to be divided in such a way that it is as near equal to the population of individuals living in each state.)

Section 114 (1)

The Independent National Electoral Commission shall review the division of every State into constituencies at intervals of not less than ten years, and may alter such constituencies in accordance with the provisions of this section to such extent as it may consider desirable in the light of the review.

(The Independent National Electoral Commission is responsible for reviewing the division of every state into constituencies and such review shall be done at regular intervals of not less than 10 (ten) years in between each review. If need be upon each review, the Independent National Electoral Commission may adjust these constituencies to reflect whatever new issue(s) which was exposed by such review.)

Section 114 (2)

The Independent National Electoral Commission may at any time carry out such a review and alter the constituencies in accordance with the provisions of this section to such extent as it considers necessary in
consequence of any alteration of the boundaries of the State or by reason of the holding of a census of the population of Nigeria in pursuance of an Act of the National Assembly.

(The Independent National Electoral Commission is responsible for carrying out reviews and adjusting constituencies when necessary as stated in this section for two reasons; one, where it is as a result of/ consequence of altering boundaries of a State and two, after a population census has been carried out in accordance with an Act of the National Assembly and the state boundaries of constituencies need to be adjusted to reflect the new population census.)

Section 115

Where the boundaries of any State constituency established under section 112 of this Constitution are altered in accordance with the provisions of section 114 of this Constitution, that alteration shall come into effect after it has been approved by the National Assembly and after the current life of the House of Assembly.

(In situations where the boundaries of any state constituency which has been created as contained in Section 112 of the Constitution is adjusted in line with the content of Section 114 of the Constitution, such adjustment made by the Independent National Electoral Commission shall take effect after it (the adjustment to the state constituency) has been approved by the National Assembly and after the current term of office of the House of Assembly has expired.)

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