Section 52 and 53 of the 1999 Constitution: Procedure for Summoning and Dissolution of National Assembly

The 1999 Constitution Section 52 (1) Every member of the Senate or the House of Representatives (i.e. National Assembly) shall, before taking his seat, declare his assets and liabilities as prescribed in this Constitution and subsequently take and subscribe the Oath of Allegiance and the oath of membership as prescribed in the Seventh Schedule to…

Taxes: What to Pay, By Whom to Pay and Punishments for Evasion

People who complain about taxes can be divided into two classes: men and women.  Anonymous We can all agree that paying tax is something that people have complained about for centuries. The famous line, ‘Is it lawful to pay taxes to Ceaser?’ easily comes to mind.  This begs the question, what are taxes and why should…