Section 135 and 136 of the 1999 Constitution: Duration of the Office of the President and Oaths Taken by a Duly Elected President

The 1999 Constitution Section 135 (1) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, a person shall hold the office of President until – (A person who has been duly elected as the President of Nigeria shall remain in office until either of the following situations occur/ take place; ) Section 135 (1)(a) when his successor…

Divorce Process in Nigeria (Dissolution of Marriage)

Marriage is the socially, culturally and legally recognized union of two persons. However, there are often times when this harmonious union ceases, leading to either party seeking to dissolve the marriage and bring all matrimonial relationships and connections to an end. Grounds on which a Divorce Petition can be Filed Within the Nigerian legal jurisdiction,…

Section 133 and 134 of the 1999 Constitution: Situations where a Candidate for the Office of the President is Duly Elected

The 1999 Constitution Section 133 A candidate for an election to the office of President shall be deemed to have been duly elected to suchoffice where, being the only candidate nominated for the election – (Where a candidate is the only candidate nominated for election to the office of the President, they will be deemed…

Section 130, 131 and 132 of the 1999 Constitution: President of the Federation and Election into the Office of the President

The 1999 Constitution Section 130 (1) There shall be for the Federation a President. (There will be a President for the Federation.) Section 130 (2) The President shall be the Head of State, the Chief Executive of the Federation and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federation. (The President will also be the Head…

Nuisance: Meaning and Implication under Nigerian Law

In one way or another we have all encountered situations we may term as “Constituting Nuisance” but then what is Nuisance? What is Nuisance? In ordinary parlance, Nuisance may be termed a disturbance, an inconvenience or obstruction from the quite enjoyment of ones environment. According to Black’s Law Dictionary 9th Edition, Nuisance is defined as…

Section 127, 128 and 129 of the 1999 Constitution: Removal of Auditor General of a State and Investigations by the State House of Assembly

The 1999 Constitution Section 127 (1) A person holding the office of Auditor-General under section 126 (1) of this Constitution shall be removed from office by the Governor of the State acting on an address supported by two-thirds majority of the House of Assembly praying that he be so removed for inability to discharge the…

Section 122, 123 and 124 of the 1999 Constitution: Withdrawal of Money from the Consolidated Revenue Fund and Establishment of Contingencies Fund of a State

The 1999 Constitution Section 122 If the Appropriation Bill in respect of any financial year has not been passed into Law by the beginning ofthe financial year, the Governor may authorize the withdrawal of moneys from the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the State for the purpose of meeting expenditure necessary to carry on the services…