Inheritance under a Will Vs. Inheritance without a Will

Introduction It is a settled fact that death is inevitable, hence we may wonder what will become of the wealth and assets which we have tirelessly laboured for during our lifetime. The simple answer is that it would be inherited by an individual or an institution. The issue of inheritance is a significant part of…

Legal Implications of Next of Kin Regarding Wills in Nigeria

Introduction We have all heard the word “Next of Kin”. It can be seen in documents like, bank forms, employment contracts and wills. The question then arises, who is a Next of Kin? What role do they actually play in a document and what are the implications of including a Next of Kin in a…

Purchase of Property as a Married Couple

It is not uncommon for a married couple to want to purchase property jointly as husband and wife. In fact, some consider it ideal. Even though they may have properties to their individual names, they may want to acquire some as a couple, maybe their matrimonial home, maybe for financial security in the event that…

Can A Child Own Property in Nigeria?

I heard once, on television, of a child of a celebrity in America who was less than 10 years old and had an estate worth millions in her name. Of course, she wasn’t the youngest business mogul in the world, her parents probably acquired the properties for her but they were in her name, they…

Tenancy; The Practice In Various Jurisdictions Across Nigeria

Accommodation is of fundamental importance to humans, thus; drastic increase in population over the past few decades have occasioned a more formal and generally acceptable set of principles governing tenancy, tenant-landlord relations as well as ejection of a tenant from a property. In the struggle to keep pace with the growth in population, it is…