Adoption of a Child in Nigeria

Before, natural birth was seen to be the only true way to raise a child but today, there are numerous ways a couple or individual can raise a child and one of them is Adoption of a child. Laws Governing Adoption in Nigeria The 1999 Constitution The Child’s Right Act The Eastern Nigeria Adoption Law,…

Marital Rape Under the Nigerian Law

As human beings evolve and our societies change, our laws must keep up with the changes and define our interactions in the context of our new societies especially laws on Rape and Marital Rape. There are many areas of our laws in Nigeria that have not kept up with the times. And there are areas…

Enforceability of Age Limit for Marriage in Nigeria

Legal writers as well as various legislations have been in the ring for ages exchanging punches over this very controversial topic – age limit for marriage in Nigeria (Marriageable Age). These legislations provide different ages which throw the citizenry into perpetual confusion. Let us take a shallow look at the various municipal legislations regulating age…

Breach of Promise to Marry

Omoge is an Auditor who works in one of the top audit firms in Nigeria. She met Adere in 2015 and fell deeply for him. Adere was the man of her dreams, he was anything a woman could ever wish for. He was tall, handsome, adventurous, ambitious, all shades of lovely was he. Adere wasn’t overly rich but he was comfortable and being a top Auditor, Omoge…